Here’s the inside story. Elisabeth and Andrea were chewing the fat one summer afternoon, talking again about what so many of us sit around and talk about on lazy summer afternoons – how great it would be to have a professional project to call their own. As baby Matías (Andrea’s son and Elisabeth’s godson) cooed in his crib – he wasn’t even at the why phase yet because he didn’t speak, but they could see what was coming – they started focusing on what would tickle his fancy and came up with their t-shirts with textures, sounds, activit

Then they called Elisenda, mother of three with a background in psychology and a desire to get back into the swing of the work world and between the three of them they’ve gotten the project so far off the ground that in just three seasons they sell to shops all over Spain and on yo ur trips to Paris, Rome and Geneva. Elisenda takes care of the day to day needs while Andrea and Elisabeth are at their day gigs and they still have their meetings on Andrea’s patio.
So why don’t you go see their stuff and see what you think?
In Barcelona:
Rosselló 248
tel 93 301 5807
Petit Armari
Pedró de la Creu 18
tel 93 280 1094
Rambla del Prat 9
tel 93 218 2108
Marqués de Comillas 6-8
tel 93 476 8600