Once upon a time (thirty years ago or a little more,) in a land far, far away (Stockholm) there was a little bookbinder who made beautiful hand-covered notebooks. These notebooks were undoubtedly the fairest in the land. So many suitors did they inspire that in 1982 the little bookbinder opened a shop just to showcase these notebooks and the photo albums and binders they had begun to make to keep the notebooks company through the long Swedish winters. And they caled it
Ordning&Reda (All in order.)
Word of these wonders spread all over the land and to other lands and more stores were opened to proclaim the beauty (and functionality) of these products until there were over 50 stores in 15 countries. Then in Barcelona, Ordning met Carmen (Mamen to her friends). She’d studied law and worked in accounting but always knew that one day her prince would come in the form of a business all of her own.

She took the franchise over from the original owner about a year after it opened (she had been the Cinderella working there when the owner decided it wasn’t her cup of tea after all.) Although it took her a little while to get the hang of being the boss now her super staff and the service they give are proof that her days as an apprentice businesswoman are over and Mamen and her partner (who takes care of press and pr,) are looking for a new space – why shouldn’t they, they’ve increased sales every month since they opened. Now that’s something!

And that must be because no one can resist the charms of the hand-bound notebooks (their technique comes from their book-binding days, using separatas of 5 sheets and linen thread to make resistant and lovely to use,) hand-covered binders and albums, the gorgeous displays – the colors make it look like a candy shop for stationary addicts. And the cards with beautiful drawings that remind us of some other
Nordic design masters. All of this, and the pencil cases, cell-phone holders and bags make you want to
put your life in order for once and for all!
Via Augusta, 40
08006 Barcelona
Tel 93 217 2558