It’s really not that easy to write about shopping these days. Nothing looks exciting enough to buy. We already have three of those at home. It’s unseasonably cold and windy. And all that consumer confidence data is telling us we’re not alone in feeling ho hum about anything that involves out of pocket expenses. So when you find out we’re writing about Maremagnum you think we’re going to tell you to go shop there. You are so wrong.
Because really we see two options if you feel more like lining your pockets than shelling out. Stay at home and read about everybody else’s batty anti-recession spending and feel secretly superior. Or win Maremagnum’s Un Domingo Diferente video contest (and the 1500 euros that goes along with the fame and glory.) Maremagnum? Because, no, it doesn’t have to about shopping, doesn’t have to include Maremagnum, doesn’t even have to be made in
Read the rules, shoot your thing and get it all done before December 17. Easy as pie.