And if you live here why not do something really unexpected and send something through the mail to your friends. To channel Diana Vreeland, why don’t you … use postcards as thank you notes for dinners, weekends away, etc. Could win you big points and get you invited back – I got a call saying I was the nicest person in Barcelona for doing that and that was quite a boost to my day.
Best postcards – of course you can go for the scenic views and raunchy jokes from the newstands on the Ramblas, or you can be a little creative.
The old school scallopped edged post cards from Urbarna ( give you the chance to celebrate the 30th anniverasry of the I (Heart) NY logo with their postcard showing a guy with sticky fingers and a stain on his I (Heart) BCN tee. Plus lots of other fun and unexpected looks at the city. (And Palma and Sitges if you happen to be there.)
Look for them at:
D’Athe Shop - Pza Regomir 5 tel
The newstand in front of the Café Zurich
Look for them at:
D’Athe Shop (see above)
Caixa Fòrum museum store - Avda. Marqués de Comillas 6-8 tel
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